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MORNING GLORY - EARLY CALL MORNING GLORY Early Call Ipomoea nil Annual morning glories are a nostalgic symbol of the cottage gardens of the “New World.” These heat-loving beauties are indispensable. Large and early-flowering, this variety blooms 3-4 weeks earlier than most. A mix of colours. Type: Annual Light: sun Soil: good garden Spacing: 15 cm Height: 150cm Season: summer to frost Propagation: Soak seed or 24 hours. Direct seed after all danger of frost 2 cm deep. Cover seed. (preferred method) OR Start indoors 4 weeks before last frost. Germinate @ 21C. Set out after all frost danger and ground is warm. SEED COUNT: Approx. 50 Not to be confused with their pesky cousin, bindweed, these annual morning glories are a nostalgic symbol of the cottage gardens of the � "new world". For twining up a porch, mailbox, fence, etc. these heat-loving beauties are indispensable. The bloom time of morning glories depends on temperature. Blooms will unfurl as the temperature climbs and then close up if the sun gets too hot. Notice how morning glories cheerfully stay open for prolonged periods on a cloudy day. |
$3.80 Qty: |