BIRDHOUSE GOURDS BIRDHOUSE GOURDS lagenaria siceraria A great project for kids. These bottle type gourds are suitable for carving. Make bird houses, dippers or decorative carving. Type: Annual Light: sun. Soil: fertile garden soil. Spacing: 10... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
BLACK EYED SUSAN VINE Black Eyed Susan Vine thunbergia alata Introduced from Africa in 1827, this lover of cool temperatures and moist conditions will brighten up a window box or basket with perfectly formed funnel-shaped orange shades blossoms and dark thro... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
CANARY CREEPER VINE -- OUT OF STOCK -- tropaeolum peregrinum canariense A very pretty, easy to grow climbing vine in the nasturtium family with lemon yellow orchid-like flowers and showy 5-lobed leaves. This Victorian fa... [ more ] |
$0.00 SOLD OUT |
CHILEAN GLORY FLOWER eccremocarpus saber A fast growing climber with green to grey tinted leaves that will grow 2m plus. The tubular 2.5 cm of mixd coloured flowers grows in rac... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
CREEPING GLOXINIA CREEPING GLOXINIA asarina scandens Hummingbirds love this vine that boasts rosy pink 7cm long trumpet-shaped flowers that resemble snapdragons. Native to Mexico where it is called Hummingbird Vine, it can also be grown as a houseplant. ... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
CUP AND SAUCER VINE CUP & SAUCER VINE cobea scandens Branched tendrils at the end of each leaf allow this fast grower to climb unassisted. The flowers are quite exotic with their frilly green 'saucers' and mauve 'cups'. As it matures, the entire flower cha... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
CYPRESS VINE Ipomoea quamoclit - Introduced to Northern gardens in 1629, this vine sports exotic feathery foliage and will climb 6 m if given well-drained soil and full sun. Hummingbirds love the same intensely red tubular flowers that bloom from mid... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
EXOTIC LOVE EXOTIC LOVE mina lobata Introduced in the 1930's this annual climber has showy flowers, ranging from scarlet-crimson upon opening to yellow and cream in full bloom.The dark green three-lobed leaves are borne on vigorous climbing stems t... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
HYACINTH BEAN HYACINTH BEAN -- dolichos lablab Purple and white bicoloured 2 cm sweetly fragrant flowers reminiscent of wisteria cluster along this vigorous vine. An added bonus are the dark purple pods that decorate the vine after flowering. Offered... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
LOVE-IN-A-PUFF LOVE IN A PUFF cardiospermum Also known balloon vine, a perfect white heart can be found on the seeds inside the green capsules, which appear to have been inflated like a balloon. Truly an unusual vine. The lacy, shiny green foliage wi... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
MIXED RUNNER BEANS phaseolus coccineus A terrific dual purpose plant. Not only does it provide oodles of edible young pods. The beans are brown, purple, red flamed and white. This skyward climber will be covered in scarlet, white and bicolour red and whit... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
MORNING GLORY - EARLY CALL MORNING GLORY Early Call Ipomoea nil Annual morning glories are a nostalgic symbol of the cottage gardens of the “New World.” These heat-loving beauties are indispensable. Large and early-flowering, this variety blooms 3-4 weeks e... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
MORNING GLORY - FLYING SAUCER MORNING GLORY Flying Saucer ipomoea tricolor Annual morning glories are a nostalgic symbol of the cottage gardens . For twining up a fence, these heat-loving beauties are indispensable.This variety introduced in the 1960's has lar... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
MORNING GLORY - GRANDPA OTT'S MORNING GLORY Grandpa Ott’s ipomoea purpurea A treasured heirloom brought to Iowa from Bavaria and saved by the Whealey family of Iowa, this carefree beauty boasts a profusion of small deep-violet blue flowers with a purple star and... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
MORNING GLORY - HEAVENLY BLUE MORNING GLORY Heavenly Blue ipomoea tricolor For twining up a porch, mailbox, fence, etc., these heat-loving beauties are indispensable. Truly iridescent sky-blue 8cm trumpets with white-yellow throats. The colour becomes mesmerizing... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
MORNING GLORY - IMPERIAL MIX MORNING GLORY Imperial Mix ipomoea tricolour Not to be confused with their pesky cousin, bindweed, these annual morning glories are a nostalgic symbol of the cottage gardens of the "new world". Annual morning glories are a nostalgic... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
MORNING GLORY - IMPERIAL SARLET O'HARA MORNING GLORY Imperial - Scarlet O'Hara ipomoea nil Annual morning glories are a nostalgic symbol of the cottage gardens of the “new world”. Scarlet O’Hara is a spectacular variety with deep red flowers gracing the entire vine al... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
MORNING GLORY - MOONFLOWER MORNING GLORY Moonflower ipomoea noctiflora Annual morning glories are a nostalgic symbol of the cottage gardens. This variety introduced in the late 1800's begins to flourish just before dusk, when the other varieties have begun to n... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
MORNING GLORY - PEARLY GATES MORNING GLORY Pearly Gates ipomoea tricolor Annual morning glories are a nostalgic symbol of the cottage gardens. For twining up a fence, these heat-loving beauties are indispensable. Perfect white fluted cones grow 12 cm wide. This... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
MORNING GLORY - ROYAL ENSIGN BLUE Convolvulus tricolour minor - Startling deep blue trumpets with a white star encircled by a yellow throat. A dwarf 'twiner', this variety will grow up to 2 feet long. Makes an excellent container plant. Annual. Not to be confused with th... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
MORNING GLORY - ROYAL WHITE ENSIGN MORNING GLORY Royal EnsignWhite convolvulus tricolour minor This dwarf variety will make an ideal container plant. It has stunning pure white trumpets with yellow throats. Type: Annual Light: sun Soil: good garden Spacing: 15 c... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
PASSION FLOWER VINE passiflora caerulea - Native to tropical America, the Pasiflora was taken to Rome in the early 1600s. Papal scholars interpreted the 10 petals to represent the 10 apostles at the crucifixion of Jesus. The filaments represented the crown o... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
SWEET PEA - BIJOU MIX SWEET PEA Bijou Mix lathyrus odoratus This dwarf variety has a bushy habit and is great for containers or edging. They require only limited support. The lightly scented flowers come in shades of red, pink, blue and white. Type:... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
SWEET PEA - BLACK KNIGHT SWEET PEA Black Knight lathyrus odoratus First discovered in 1699, this violet and maroon bi coloured sweet pea was introduced in 1889. They are renown for their fragance, colour, and for cutting. Type: Annual Light: full ... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
SWEET PEA - DWARF VILLA ROMA SWEET PEA Villa Roma Scarlet lathyrus odoratus The descendent of a plant that dates back centuries, this scarlet-red dwarf sweet pea is great for pots, baskets or borders. It is a prolific bloomer that will give you a splash of colou... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
SWEET PEA - EVERLASTING PEA Everlasting Pea Lathyrus latifoliés - A cottage garden favourite, this perennial variety will climb its way up to 3m sporting 30 cm wide flowers of pink, red, and white. A hardy player, climbing along a fence, wall or just allowed to ra... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
SWEET PEA - JANET SCOTT -- OUT OF STOCK -- SWEET PEA Janet Scott lathyrus odoratus Known for its intoxicating perfume, its colour and its generosity as a cut flower, highly fragrant pastel pink blossoms grace this 1903 variety. Type: Annual Light: full sun Soil: fertil... [ more ] |
$0.00 SOLD OUT |
SWEET PEA - KING EDWARD VII SWEET PEA KING EDWARD VII lathyrus odoratus A flower with a mystique exulted to almost angelic proportion is the heavenly sweet pea. The fanciers among us adore its intoxicating perfume, its colour and its generosity as a cut flower.1... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
SWEET PEA - LADY GRISEL HAMILTON SWEET PEA Lady Grisel Hamilton lathyrus odoratus The garden's love affair with the Sweet Pea goes back to Sicily in 1699 where it was “discovered” an Italian monk. From 1899, shiny pale lavender blossoms grace the vines. Type... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
SWEET PEA - LEAMINGTON SWEET PEA Leamington lathyrus odoratus spencer Discovered in Sicily in 1699 and brought to England, it quickly became popular for it’s perfume and vibrant colours. This variety produces large, fragrant, lilac-lavender flowers. ... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
SWEET PEA - LORD NELSON SWEET PEA LORD NELSON lathyrus odoratus This heirloom variety dating back to 1890 has exceptional heat resistance and is highly scented. The deep navy blue flowers are carried on 15cm stems and make a great cut flower. Type: Ann... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
SWEET PEA - OLD SPICE MIX Lathyrus odoratus - An heirloom mix of flowers ranging in colour from bi-colour purple, pink, scarlet; rose to cream and renowned for its potent fragrance and exceptional heat tolerance. A flower with a mystique exhaulted to almost ange... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
SWEET PEA - PAINTED LADY SWEET PEA Painted Lady lathyrus odoratus A flower with a mystique exulted to almost angelic proportion is the heavenly sweet pea. The fanciers among us adore its intoxicating perfume, its colour and its generosity as a cut flower. Fr... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
SWEET PEA - QUEEN ALEXANDRA SWEET PEA Queen Alexandra lathyrus odoratus A flower with a mystique exulted to almost angelic proportion is the heavenly sweet pea. The fanciers among us adore its intoxicating perfume, its colour and its generosity as a cut flower.... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
SWEET PEA - UNWIN'S STRIPED MIX (Butterfly) SWEET PEA Unwin’s Stripe Mix lathyrus odoratus From 1887, these unusual heirlooms feature various coloured blooms that are striped on a white or cream background. Sweet Pea goes back to Sicily in 1699 where it was “discovered”... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
SWEET PEA - WHITE ENSIGN SWEET PEA White Ensign lathyrus odoratus Developed in England in 1901. White Ensign boasts large, wavy, ruffled white petals. The fanciers among us adore its intoxicating perfume, its colour and its generosity as a cut flower. This c... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
VEGETABLE SPONGE VEGETABLE SPONGE luffa cylindrical This annual climber bears cucumber-like fruits that, when dried, becomes an organic bathing sponge. Grow them up an arbour or on a fence. Over the season they will grow 250 cm or larger. Harvest in th... [ more ] |
$3.80 Qty: |
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